How to start using Basic Plan

Get Started

If you haven't partnered with 360dialog yet, please review our Partnership Program for details.

If you're already a 360dialog Partner and wish to access the Basic Plan hosted on the Cloud API, please proceed by following the outlined steps below.

Should you have any queries, please consult our documentation guidelines or refer to this document. For additional assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our Support Team.

1. Preparation: Enable and Test Cloud API

Begin by reviewing our integration documentation.

As of May 15, 2024, Türkiye is no longer restricted for Cloud API business messaging. Cloud API businesses can now initiate conversations and receive messages from WhatsApp users with Turkish numbers.

2. Reach out to our Support Team for Cloud API Enablement

Once you're familiar with how Cloud API requests are structured, reach out to our Support Team to enable the Cloud API in your Partner Hub. This means that once Cloud is enabled in a Partner Hub, every new number (created from scratch or migrated) will be automatically hosted in the Cloud API.

How to onboard numbers On-premise after Cloud API enablement?

To onboard an On-premise number instead of a Cloud number, include the "hosting_type=onpremise" query parameter in the connect button's URL, as detailed in the documentation below.

Because Basic Plan only allows for Cloud API, if the hosting_type is set as onpremise and the plan_selection is set to basic, it will default to regular automatically.

3. Make sure your integration is ready to handle Cloud API requests

Ensure that your integration is all set to handle Cloud API requests effectively before enabling or changing the hosting type of more numbers.

Migrating existing numbers to Basic Plan

Upon the activation of the Cloud API for your Partner hub, you can initiate change the hosting type of a testing number first.

Following the successful migration of the number, it's important to confirm that your integration is accurately configured for a seamless migration experience.

1. Change hosting type to Cloud API

Make sure you go through the preparation checklist first to prevent issues after hosting type change.

Once your integration is ready, you can change the hosting type of the remaining numbers to the Cloud API in two ways:

Option 1: Change Hosting Change manually via Partner Hub

If you prefer a manual approach, you have the option to do so via the Partner Hub. See the full process here.

Option 2: Bulk Hosting Type Change with 360dialog

Reach out to our Support Team to schedule a bulk change on a specific date and time.

2. Change subscription plan

Once all your desired numbers are migrated to the Cloud API, use the Change plan button to update the subscription plan.

Registering new numbers in Basic Plan

1. Select the correct subscription plan during new onboardings

If your Partner Account is enabled for tiered pricing, the default plan will be the regular Plan. Please ensure to select the correct parameter to onboard numbers to the desired plan type.

Effective January 2024, 360dialog will not issue billing correction notes due the misuse of the plan_selection parameter and charges will be applied in accordance with the agreed-upon financial terms and the parameters used during onboarding.

The plan_selection parameter should be set as "Basic" for numbers to be onboarded in the Basic Plan.

Last updated