Multiple Webhooks per Phone Number

You can attach multiple Webhook URLs to a single phone number. This can be used to manage additional webhooks, enhancing automation and integration capabilities within your systems.

This feature allows integration options but compromises on performance. The more webhooks are attached to a number, the longer messages will take to arrive and be acknowledged, so the overall number performance will be impacted. Make sure to have this in mind when considering utilizing multiple webhooks for a single phone number. Using only one webhook is recommended for high volume accounts.

All destinations will get cloned incoming notifications from the Messaging API. But, extra webhooks will only get these notifications if the main destination (connected to the phone number) successfully receives them with 200 success code. See our documentation for Best Practices for designing Integrations.

Each phone number is limited to a maximum of 3 unique webhooks. This limit cannot be increased. You cannot attach multiple webhooks to a full WABA, only to specific phone numbers.

Webhook URLs or headers for Cloud API does not support "_"(underscore) or ":xxxx"(port)in (sub)domain names.

Invalid webhook URL: Valid webhook URL:

Invalid webhook URL: Valid webhook URL:

Enable/Disable Multiple Webhooks


Use this endpoint to enable or disable the Multiple Webhook configuration to a specific phone number.



Sample Request

To enable multi-webhook feature and add new destinations.

  "enabled": true,
  "destinations": [
      "name": "NewWebhook",
      "url": "",
      "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}

Webhook names are case-sensitive and function like unique IDs. Therefore, a webhook named "webhook" is considered distinct from "WEBhook." The API will only add a new webhook if the <name> provided in the request does not match with any existing configuration.

To enable or disable multi-webhook feature, the destination object is not required:

  "enabled": true/false


    "message": "Operation has been started, please wait several seconds until change is applied"

Get list of configured Webhooks


This endpoint retrieves all configured and additional webhooks.



  "enabled": true,
  "destinations": [
      "name": "Webhook1",
      "url": "",
      "headers": {"Authorization": "Bearer abc123"}
      "name": "Webhook2",
      "url": "",
      "headers": {"Authorization": "Bearer abc123"}

Append additional Webhooks


You can add up to 3 webhooks per phone number. This limit cannot be increased.



Sample Request

Webhook names are case-sensitive, and function like unique IDs. Therefore, a webhook named "webhook" is considered distinct from "WEBhook." The API will only add a new webhook if the <name> provided in the request does not match with any existing configuration.

  "destinations": [
      "name": "Webhook2",
      "url": "",
      "headers": {"Authorization": "D360-API-KEY"}


    "message": "Operation has been started, please wait several seconds until change is applied"

Update properties of an existing webhook


To update properties of an existing webhook, use the endpoint and specify the new webhook configuration in the request payload.



Sample Request

Webhook names are case-sensitive, and function like unique IDs. Therefore, "webhook" is considered distinct from "WEBhook". The API will only modify the webhook if the <name> passed in the request is an exact match.

  "name": "ExistingWebhook",
  "url": "",
  "headers": {"Authorization": "D360-API-KEY"}

Sample Response

    "message": "Operation has been started, please wait several seconds until change is applied"

Delete a specific webhook configuration by name


To delete a additional webhook, use this endpoint. Remember that if you delete all webhooks, it the system will return an empty response when attempting callbacks.


Path Sample Request >> Name of the webhook

Use the GET request to retrieve webhook names.

Webhook names are case-sensitive, and function like unique IDs. Therefore, a webhook named "webhook" is considered distinct from "WEBhook". The API will only delete the webhook if the <name> passed in the request is an exact match.


    "message": "Operation has been started, please wait several seconds until change is applied"

Last updated