Benefits for Partners

See all benefits for 360dialog Partners here.

Support Details

We have two channels for support: Ticket and Chat.

Ticket support is available to all partners at no extra cost. The ticket support dashboard is located in the navigation bar.

For eligible Partners, the Chat Support is available in the main page of the Partner Hub:

Partners can also request badges of their partnership tiers here.

Opening Hours

Our Support Team is available during the following hours. All times are displayed in CET/CEST Central Europe Time.



24 hours


24 hours


24 hours


24 hours


24 hours


08:00 - 17:00


08:00 - 17:00

We offer Partner and Client Support in the following languages: English (primary), Brazilian Portuguese, German, Spanish and Russian.

Response Time

Depending on your Partner Program Tier we will provide a first response according to the table below:

PlanFirst response time







First responses = First investigation done. We will provide a meaningful update about your issue. It is not an auto-reply.

Severity definitions


Responded in less than 4 hours

A problem that severely impacts your WA production environment - such as the inability to send or receive messages. The situation halts your WA business operations, and no procedural workaround exists. Examples:

  • Messaging service has completely stopped working

  • 360dialog APIs not reachable

  • Long messaging delays

Urgent Responded in less than 8 hours

A problem where the 360dialog API is functioning but your use in a production environment is severely reduced. The situation is causing a high impact to significant portions of your WA business operations and no procedural workaround exists. Examples

  • Number migration issues

Standard Responded in less than 24 hours

Topics related to general WA Business operations. Any problem not being covered by Critical or Urgent definitions. Examples

  • Onboarding (signup) issues

  • Number registration issues

  • Template issues

  • Business verification issues

  • Commerce policy (account status) issues

  • Changing partners (ISVs)

  • Official business accounts

Premium Support

Premium Support is included in the Premium Package. It is only available when creating a ticket or chat in your Partner Hub.

Ticket escalation

Partners in the Gold and Platinum tiers can be escalate tickets through their account manager, but only if:

For any errors or troubleshooting, no escalation or problem solving is possible without a ticket filed with the Support Team first.

Participation in Betas

360dialog Partners have exclusive access to WhatsApp features still not launched to the public, which are available in the form of beta projects.

We invite all Partners to express interest in any betas of their preference. Platinum Partners will be constantly communicated of new betas available.

To be enrolled in a Beta, we require:

Launch date

Betas are available in form of projects, which means that they need to have a launch date defined from the start.

The maximum launch date possible is 4 weeks after the first client has been enabled to use the feature. This means that a use case needs to be live on this timeframe.

Partners who do not meet the defined launch date will be banned from participating in future Beta programs.

Client enrollment

Partners cannot enroll their own WABAs (under the name of the Partner company) or test WABAs in Betas. Only live clients with predefined use cases to be launched will be enrolled.

Product teams should not work on developing new features based on new betas - these should only be considered after at least 3 clients with real use cases already using the feature.

This means that for a new beta, clients should be enabled and managed manually. Full integration to make the feature scalable should only start after these clients are using it successfully, with validated use cases.

Free Month

To support partners during onboarding and integration testing, we offer all partners a 100% subscription fee discount for 1 number for 1 calendar month. The offer is subject to the following terms:

  • You must be a signed integration Partner of 360dialog

  • The number must be provided by you. 360dialog do not provide numbers

  • The number but be registered for the WhatsApp API via the integrated onboarding flow

  • The number must be registered on Cloud API

  • The free period is not transferable between months or numbers (ie: you cannot apply 14 days discount on number A and the remainder on number B)

  • Conversations fees are not covered during the period and are billed according to the standard rates

To avail of this offer please contact our support team and specific the number you wish to apply to apply the discount. We will then apply a 100% discount on the specified number for the period.

Please note that the free month is different from the 360dialog Sandbox which is open to the public and can be used at any time for testing purposes.

Last updated