Error Code Reference
This page contains all WhatsApp API error codes and steps to potentially resolve them.
360dialog Messaging Errors
Your WhatsApp for Business API has been disabled
Contact support.
You have exceeded the endpoint rate limit.
Implement request throttling or exponential backoff to cool down API requests and avoid exceeding rate limits. Contact support.
Could not send message due to lack of payment. Messaging can resume once overdue invoices towards 360dialog are settled. Please reach out to our integration partner.
Contact integration partner or support to resolve account billing issues.
Invalid api_key
Check that the API is the correct and valid for the number you are trying to use. Generate another API key if requried. Check the key value is being passed in the header: D360-API-KEY
The endpoint is blocked
Contact support to see if the specific endpoint can be enabled.
Internal server error
There are various reasons for this error. Contact support.
WhatsApp for Business API not available
Contact support.
360dialog Partner API Errors
Permission denied for partner x
Verify the Auth token header is valid
Confirm the user has the necessary permissions to access this Partner Hub.
If the issue persists, contact 360dialog support
Meta Cloud API Integrity Errors
368 - Temporarily blocked for policies violations
The WhatsApp Business Account associated with the app has been restricted or disabled for violating a platform policy.
403 - Forbidden
130497 - Business account is restricted from messaging users in this country.
The WhatsApp Business Account is restricted from messaging to users in certain countries.
403 - Forbidden
131031 - Account has been locked
The WhatsApp Business Account associated with the app has been restricted or disabled for violating a platform policy, or we were unable to verify data included in the request against data set on the WhatsApp Business Account (e.g, the two-step pin included in the request is incorrect).
403 - Forbidden
Other Meta Cloud API Errors
1 - API Unknown
Invalid request or possible server error.
Bad Request
2- API Service
Temporary due to downtime or due to being overloaded.
503 - Service Unavailable
130472 - User's number is part of an experiment
400 - Bad Request
131000 - Something went wrong
Message failed to send due to an unknown error.
Try again. If the error persists, contact 360dialog support.
500 - Internal Server Error
131005 - Access denied
Permission is either not granted or has been removed.
Try again. If the error persists, contact 360dialog support.
403 - Forbidden
131008 - Required parameter is missing
The request is missing a required parameter.
400 - Bad Request
131016 - Service unavailable
A service is temporarily unavailable.
500 - Internal Server Error
Sender and recipient phone number is the same.
Send a message to a phone number different from the sender.
400 - Bad Request
131026 - Message Undeliverable
Unable to deliver message. The following scenarios can cause a message to appear as sent but not delivered. For many of these reasons, Meta does not disclose the underlying cause of the error, due to privacy and policy reasons.
The recipient phone number is not a WhatsApp phone number.
The customer has blocked the business.
Recipient has not accepted Meta's new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Recipient using an old WhatsApp version; must use the following WhatsApp version or greater:
KaiOS: 2.2130.10
Web: 2.2132.6
Using a non-WhatsApp communication method, ask the WhatsApp user to:
Confirm that they can actually send a message to your WhatsApp business phone number
Confirm that your WhatsApp business phone number is not in their list of blocked numbers (Settings > Privacy > Blocked or Blocked contacts)
Confirm that they have accepted Meta latest Terms of Service (Settings > Help, or Settings > Application information will prompt them to accept the latest terms/policies if they haven't done so already)
Update to the latest version of the WhatsApp client
400 - Bad Request
131037 - WhatsApp provided number needs display name approval before message can be sent.
400 - Bad Request
131042 - Business eligibility payment issue
There was an error related to your payment method.
Common problems:
Payment account is not attached to a WhatsApp Business Account
Credit line is over the limit
Credit line (Payment Account) not set or active
WhatsApp Business Account is deleted
WhatsApp Business Account is suspended
Timezone not set
Currency not set
MessagingFor request (On Behalf Of) is pending or declined
Exceeded conversation free tier threshold without a valid payment method
400 - Bad Request
131047 -
Re-engagement message
More than 24 hours have passed since the recipient last replied to the sender number.
Send the recipient a business-initiated message using a message template instead.
400 - Bad Request
131049 - Meta chose not to deliver.
This message was not delivered to maintain healthy ecosystem engagement.
Do not retry immediately if you do receive this error code and suspect it is due to the limit. Instead, retry in increasing larger time increments until the message is delivered, since the limit may be in effect for differing periods of time.
400 - Bad Request
131051 - Unsupported message type
Unsupported message type.
400 - Bad Request
131052 - Media download error
Unable to download the media sent by the user.
We were unable to download media included in the WhatsApp user's message. For more information, refer to the error.error_data.details value in any messages webhooks triggered when this message was received.
Ask the WhatsApp user to send you the media file using a non-WhatsApp method.
400 - Bad Request
131053 - Media upload error
Unable to upload the media used in the message.
We were unable to upload the media for one or more reasons, such as an unsupported media type.
For more information, refer to the error.error_data.details
value in any messages webhooks triggered when this message fails to send.
We recommend that you inspect any media files that are causing errors and confirm that they are in fact supported. For example, in UNIX you can use file inspection via the command line to determine its MIME type:
file -I
400 - Bad Request
131057 - Account in maintenance mode
Buiness Account is in maintenance mode
The WhatsApp Business Account is in maintenance mode. One reason for this could be that the account is undergoing a throughput upgrade.
500 - Bad Request
132000 - Template Param Count Mismatch
The number of variable parameter values included in the request did not match the number of variable parameters defined in the template.
400 - Bad Request
132001 - Template does not exist
The template does not exist in the specified language or the template has not been approved.
404 - Not Found
132005 - Template Hydrated Text Too Long
Translated text is too long.
400 - Bad Request
132007 - Template Format Character Policy Violated
Template content violates a WhatsApp policy.
400 - Bad Request
132012 - Template Parameter Format Mismatch
Variable parameter values formatted incorrectly.
400 - Bad Request
135000 - Generic user error
Message failed to send because of an unknown error with your request parameters.
The error you encountered was related to template restrictions, which are in place due to Meta security concerns. Unfortunately, Meta will disclose further details about these restrictions. Contact 360dialog support
400 - Bad Request
Meta Number Registration Errors
1005 - Timeout
Registration timeout
Wait until the timeout phase has lapsed and try again.
403 - Forbidden
1005 - Unknown error: biz_link_info_invalid_payload
The WhatsApp App or WhatsApp Business App account was not deleted.
403 - Forbidden
1005 - This number has not been approved for an enterprise
The WhatsApp App or WhatsApp Business App account was not deleted.
403 - Forbidden
1005 - There was an error verifying this phone number
This means that the registration has been locked.
Contact 360dialog support.
403 - Forbidden
Last updated
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