Media Messages

Use the media node to upload, retrieve, or delete media.

If you are using On-Premise API, remember that it is being discontinued by Meta. No new signups will be allowed with this type of integration from May 15, 2024.

Numbers registered before this date will still be supported, but should start planning a change of hosting type as soon as possible.

Use the messages node to send messages containing audio, documents, images, stickers, or videos to your customers.

In essence, when you send a message that includes media, you must provide either the ID of the uploaded media or a link to the media in the request body. You must also specify the type of media that you are sending: audio, document, image, sticker, or video. When the request is received, the media is uploaded to the WhatsApp server and sent to the user indicated in the to field.

Currently, there are two ways to send media messages with the WhatsApp Business API:

  • IDs (recommended) — To use an ID, you must first upload the media to obtain the ID required for the messages API call.

  • Links (not recommended) — To use a link, you supply an HTTP(S) link from which the application will download the media, saving you the step of uploading media yourself. Please make sure you are using a mp4 direct link.

After you upload the media, use the returned ID for the id field in the API call sending the media message.

Alternatively, you can provide a link parameter pointing to the media you want to send. Currently only HTTP/HTTPS links are supported. You will need to use a link that directs to the mp4 file itself, which might not be available if using basic video platforms. Some suggested platforms that offer this type of link are Google Cloud Storage Bucket, AWS S3 Bucket, Streamable.

Either id or link is required, but should not be used at the same time.

Send a media message


Request Body











wa_id of the contact you want to message

Object (media ID) is returned.



The samples below shows a media message with different objects such as URL and Media ID. A valid request body would look like this:

Sending media messages using Image URL:

  "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
  "recipient_type": "individual",
  "to": "PHONE-NUMBER",
  "type": "image",
  "image": {
    "link" : "https://IMAGE_URL"

Sending media messages using Media ID:

  "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
  "recipient_type": "individual",
  "to": "PHONE-NUMBER",
  "type": "image",
  "image": {
    "id" : "MEDIA-OBJECT-ID"

In the case of an unsuccessful response, a callback is sent to your Webhook URL even though the response will yield a message ID similar to a successful message send.

Media HTTP Caching

The Cloud API supports media HTTP caching. If you are using a link (link) to a media asset on your server (as opposed to the ID (id) of an asset you have uploaded to Meta's servers), you can instruct them to cache your asset for reuse with future messages by including the headers below in your server response when the asset is requested. If none of these headers are included, Meta will not cache your asset.

Cache-Control: <CACHE_CONTROL>
Last-Modified: <LAST_MODIFIED>
ETag: <ETAG>


The Cache-Control header tells Meta how to handle asset caching. They support the following directives:

  • max-age=n: Indicates how many seconds (n) to cache the asset. The cached asset will be reused in subsequent messages until this time is exceeded, after which the asset will be requested again, if needed. Example: Cache-Control: max-age=604800.

  • no-cache: Indicates the asset can be cached but should be updated if the Last-Modified header value is different from a previous response. Requires the Last-Modified header. Example: Cache-Control: no-cache.

  • no-store: Indicates that the asset should not be cached. Example: Cache-Control: no-store.

  • private: Indicates that the asset is personalized for the recipient and should not be cached.


Indicates when the asset was last modified. Used with Cache-Control: no-cache. If the Last-Modified value is different from a previous response and Cache-Control: no-cache is included in the response, Meta updates their cached version of the asset with the asset in the response. Example: Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 22:22:22 GMT.


The ETag header is a unique string that identifies a specific version of an asset. Example: ETag: "33a64df5". This header is ignored unless both Cache-Control and Last-Modified headers are not included in the response. In this case, we will cache the asset according to our own, internal logic (which Meta does not disclose).

Sample Response with Headers

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: image/png
Content-Length: 1024
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 22:22:22 GMT
ETag: "33a64df5"
Cache-Control: max-age=604800


[will be deprecated] If the WABA is registered in On-premise API

As announced in November 2023, Meta is transitioning to a fully Cloud-hosted WhatsApp Business Platform and will stop supporting On-Premise API in October 2025.

Starting from On-Premise client v2.53, all new feature updates will be exclusively delivered to Cloud API. While the On-Premise API client will receive quarterly releases, they will focus solely on bug fixes and security patches. From May 15, 2024, 360dialog will not allow for new numbers to be onboarded with On-Premise API. We will continue supporting already registered On-Premise API throughout 2024, but we strongly recommend to start changing the hosting type of numbers to Cloud as soon as possible. Learn here how to integrate with Cloud API.


You can send a message using the /v1/messages endpoint.





360dialog API KEY

    "messages": [
            "id": "x"
    "meta": {
        "api_status": "stable",
        "version": "2.35.4"

The sample below shows multiple different objects such as audio, document, image, sticker, and video for illustration purposes only. A valid request body contains only one of them.


POST /v1/messages
  "recipient_type": "individual",
  "to": "whatsapp-id",
  "type": "audio" | "contact" | "document" | "image" | "location" | "sticker" | "text" | "video",
  "audio": {
    "id": "your-media-id",
  "document": {
    "id": "your-media-id",
    "caption": "your-document-caption-to-be-sent",
    "filename": "your-document-filename"
  "document": {
    "link": "the-provider-name/protocol://the-url",
    "provider": {
        "name" : "provider-name"
    "caption": "your-document-caption"
  "document": {
    "link": "http(s)://the-url.pdf",
    "caption": "your-document-caption"
  "video": {
    "id": "your-media-id",
    "caption": "your-video-caption"    
  "image": {
    "link": "http(s)://the-url",
    "provider": {
        "name" : "provider-name"
    "caption": "your-image-caption"
  "image": {
    "id": "your-media-id",
    "caption": "your-image-caption"
  "sticker": {
    "id": "your-media-id"
  "sticker": {
    "link": "http(s)://the-url",
    "provider": {
      "name" : "provider-name"

Last updated

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