Limited-Time Offer Templates are only available while using Cloud API.
Limited-time offer templates allow you to display expiration dates and running countdown timers for offer codes in template messages, making it easy for you to communicate time-bound offers and drive customer engagement.
Only templates categorized as MARKETING are supported.
Footer components are not supported.
Users who view a limited-time offer template message using that WhatsApp web app or desktop app will not see the offer, but will instead see a message indicating that they have received a message but that it's not supported in the client they are using.
Once your template is approved, you can use Cloud API to send it in a template message.
Post Body
{"name":"<TEMPLATE_NAME>","language":"<TEMPLATE_LANGUAGE>","category":"marketing","components": [/* Header component optional */ {"type":"header","format":"<HEADER_FORMAT>","example": {"header_handle": ["<HEADER_ASSET_HANDLE>" ] } },/* Limited-time offer component required */ {"type":"limited_time_offer","limited_time_offer": {"text":"<LIMITED_TIME_OFFER_TEXT>","has_expiration": <HAS_EXPIRATION> } },/* Body component required */ {"type":"body","text":"<BODY_TEXT>","example": {"body_text": [<BODY_TEXT_VARIABLE_EXAMPLES>] } },/* Copy code button component required if "has_expiration" is set to true. If set to false but want to use a copy code button, it must appear first in the "buttons" array. URL button component is always required. */ {"type":"buttons","buttons": [ {"type":"copy_code","example":"<OFFER_CODE_EXAMPLE>" }, {"type":"url","text":"<URL_BUTTON_TEXT>","url":"<URL_BUTTON_URL>","example": ["<URL_EXAMPLE_WITH_VARIABLE_EXAMPLE>" ] } ] } ]}
Example Value
Body component text. Supports variables.
Maximum 600 characters.
Good news, {{1}}! Use code {{2}} to get 25% off all Caribbean Destination packages!
Array of strings
Required if body component text uses variables.
Array of example variable strings.
Must supply examples for all placeholders in <BODY_TEXT> string.
No maximum, but counts against <BODY_TEXT> maximum.
If set to true, the copy code button component must be included in the buttons array, and must appear first in the array.
If set to false, offer expiration details will not appear in the delivered message and the copy code button component is optional. If including the copy code button, it must appear first in the buttons array.
Media asset handle
Required if using an image or video header.
Uploaded media asset handle. Use the Resumable Upload API to generate an asset handle.
URL of website that loads in the device's default mobile web browser when the URL button is tapped by the WhatsApp user.
Supports 1 variable appended to the end of the URL string.
Maximum 2000 characters.{{1}}
Required if URL uses a variable.
Example URL with example variable appended to the end.
No maximum, but value counts against <URL_BUTTON_URL> maximum.
Offer Expiration Details
The delivered message can display an offer expiration details section with a heading, an optional expiration timer, and the offer code itself.
The expiration timer is a text string that is not customizable, but it will change to red text if the message is viewed and the offer code is expiring within the next hour. (You include the actual offer code and its expiration timestamp when you send the template in a template message.)
Example Request
This is an example request to create a limited-time offer template that uses:
an image header component
body text component with variables
the limited time offer component
a copy code button
a button URL with a variable
{"name":"limited_time_offer_caribbean_pkg_2023","language":"en_US","category":"marketing","components": [ {"type":"header","format":"image","example": {"header_handle": ["4::aW..." ] } }, {"type":"limited_time_offer","limited_time_offer": {"text":"Expiring offer!","has_expiration":true } }, {"type":"body","text":"Good news, {{1}}! Use code {{2}} to get 25% off all Caribbean Destination packages!","example": {"body_text": [ ["Pablo","CARIBE25" ] ] } }, {"type":"buttons","buttons": [ {"type":"copy_code","example":"CARIBE25" }, {"type":"url","text":"Book now!","url":"","example": ["" ] } ] } ]}
Sending Coupon Templates
Post Body
{"messaging_product":"whatsapp","recipient_type":"individual","to":"<CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER>","type":"template","template": {"name":"<TEMPLATE_NAME>","language": {"code":"<TEMPLATE_LANGUAGE_CODE>" },"components": [/* Required if template uses header, otherwise omit */ {"type":"header","parameters": [ {"type":"<HEADER_TYPE>","<HEADER_TYPE>": {"id":"<HEADER_ASSET_ID>" } } ] },/* Body and params required if templates uses body params, otherwise omit */ {"type":"body","parameters": [ <BODY_VARIABLES> ] },/* Required if template uses offer expiration details, otherwise omit */ {"type":"limited_time_offer","parameters": [ {"type":"limited_time_offer","limited_time_offer": {"expiration_time_ms": <EXPIRATION_TIME> } } ] },/* Copy code button required if template uses offer expiration details, or if uses a copy code button without the offer expiration details */ {"type":"button","sub_type":"copy_code","index":0,"parameters": [ {"type":"coupon_code","coupon_code":"<OFFER_CODE>" } ] },/* Required */ {"type":"button","sub_type":"url","index": <URL_BUTTON_INDEX>,"parameters": [ {"type":"text","text":"<URL_VARIABLE>" } ] } ] }}
Example Value
Array of objects
Required if template body text uses variables.
Body text variable values. Define each variable as an individual object.