Template Message Management
This document explains how to use the 360dialog Template Manager for for WhatsApp Template Messaging.
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This document explains how to use the 360dialog Template Manager for for WhatsApp Template Messaging.
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The Template Manager supports both text and media templates and has the following functions:
Create and preview new template messages
Monitor current approval status of all your templates
Copy and Delete templates
Add different template Languages
Allow template category change
Edit Templates
Each WABA has it's own set of Message Templates. To access your Message Templates, find the WABA number you would like to add a Message Template to in the Numbers page > Manage > Templates.
In WhatsApp Account > Manage Templates.
This is the Template Management home page where you can get an overview of all Templates under your number.
Edit Templates
See Templates Category
Edited templates will be submitted to Meta for approval once in a 24-hour window or up to 10 times in a 30-day window.
The edited version will appear in the 360dialog Hub with the "last sync" date, referencing to when it was last submitted. See Meta's Template Editing rules.
Template messages must be submitted to Meta for review before they are available to use. The status of this review can be seen by the color of the template language. Please review our tips on Template Messaging before submitting any templates for review.
Templates with a gray background are in draft mode and have not been submitted for review by Meta yet.
To create a Message Template, click on the blue Add Template
button in the home page.
When creating your template, you will need to include the following information:
Template Name
Name can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores ( _ )
Template Category
Template Language
Language that the template is written in
Allow Template Category Change
Selecting Yes to this value will allow Meta to assign whatever category they determine to be appropriate to avoid template rejection due to miscategorization.
Template Type
Standard (text only) or Media Template
Standard Message Templates only have a BODY section. In order to add a variable, insert {{#}} at the given position, where # represents the variable index, which needs to start at {{1}}
The Media Templates have more building blocks and features. It consists of the following building blocks:
The Header is optional and serves as the title or header of your template. It supports the following:
All Templates require a Body. Headers, Footers, and Buttons are optional.
Important: all media examples must be urls that point to a valid media file.
Visit our Template Messaging for more information about creating template messages and best practices.
Through the 360dialog Hub, you can add buttons and combinations as per our Buttons documentation.
For all accounts, WhatsApp already registers a number of pre-approved sample templates. These templates can be used at any time and cannot be deleted.
Sample templates always have sample_ in the name.
Rejected Template messages can be appealed via the Account Quality section in Meta Business Manager.
Delete Template
Replicate Template. Useful for creating variants of a similar template
Add different language to a template